What is CADH’s Mission?
The mission of the Connecticut Association of Directors of Health (CADH) is to convene, engage, mobilize, and support Connecticut's local health departments and to fortify their leadership role in establishing healthier Connecticut communities.
What is CADH’s Vision?
CADH’s vision is one of exceptional health and well being in all Connecticut communities.
What are CADH’s Core Values and Beliefs?
CADH believes in the role of local public health as a catalyst for health protection and prevention. CADH’s role in the field of public health is to give voice to its members and the populations they serve on all issues that impact local public health.
CADH continually strives to make forward-thinking decisions, based on solutions that are in the best interest of public health.
With a passionate, optimistic and relevant message, CADH can create change.
All parties, whether members, populations served by members, partners, or legislators, will be treated with respect, dignity, compassion, grace, honesty, and humanity.
CADH seeks to always speak the truth; to devote its skills, talents, and work to shape what is best for the greater good; to hold itself to the highest ethical standards; and to be fully accountable for its decisions and actions.
Recognizing that much of CADH’s work is in taking immediate action to mitigate or alleviate conditions or situations that could create a negative health impact, CADH commits to being accessible and responsive to communities and residents in need.