Legislative Session

The 2014 legislative session convened on February 5, 2014 and adjourned on May 7, 2014.

What Activities did CADH Engage in During the 2014 Legislative Session?

Proposed legislation that died:

Special thanks to all of your members who testified at the publichearing, contacted their legislators and made clear the importance of this legislation to the powers that be at the Capitol.   In just the last week of the session, contacts made by Rob Miller, David Knauf and Tim Callahan gave our efforts a real boost at a critical time.


What ACTIVITIES Did CADH Engage in During the 2013 Legislative Session?

What Has CADH Done During Previous Legislative Session?

What is CADH's Role in Policy and Advocacy?

Connecticut Association of Directors of Health (CADH) has driven public health policy and advocacy initiatives since its inception, with a solid record of influencing public health policy on a host of critical issues.  CADH is the collective voice of local public health at the Capitol and encourages its local health directors to present CADH with creative ideas and potential legislation to improve public health statewide.  CADH advocates by monitoring the status of pending legislation; preparing fact sheets and written and oral testimony; organizing grassroots advocacy campaigns; maintaining relationships with policymakers; and collaborating with partner organizations.  CADH also analyzes proposed state and federal regulations and policies impacting public health and offers comments, develops position papers, and makes recommendations on behalf of its membership. 

Who are Some of CADH's Partners?

CADH works in partnership with multiple and diverse organizations, including the National Association of County and City Health OfficialsAmerican Public Health AssociationConnecticut Environmental Health Association,Connecticut Public Health AssociationConnecticut Conference of Municipalities and Connecticut Council of Small Towns.  CADH welcomes the opportunity to continue fostering partnerships.