What are CADH's Strategic Directions?

The Connecticut Association of Directors of Health (CADH) has adopted the following strategic directions for its Committees:

1.Membership Activities and Services

Establish CADH as the organization that represents all local health directors in Connecticut and is supported by active participation by its members.


Speak as a collective voice on behalf of Membership to advocate for public health issues. 

3.Local Public Health Workforce Development

Ensure a competent, productive workforce for local health departments.

4.Promotion/Marketing/Public Relations

Promote universal recognition and support for the critical importance of local health departments.

5.Health Equity

Enhance the capacity of local health departments, in partnership with community partners and leaders, to achieve health equity through a focus on the social, political, and economic and environmental conditions that affect health.

6.Enterprise Operations

Enhance CADH’s infrastructure to achieve its mission; develop multiple profit centers consistent with the values and mission of the organization.

Where Can I Obtain CADH's Strategic Plan? 

To download CADH’s Strategic Plan, which includes its strategic directions and objectives, click here.