CADH's Role
What is CADH's Role in Emergency Preparedness?
CADH works to enhance the readiness of local health departments in Connecticut to respond to public health emergencies through regional planning activities, assisting individual local health departments with planning processes, and providing guidance to local public officials on the National Association of County and City Health Official’s (NACCHO’s) Project Public Health Ready Initiative.
How Does CADH Assist with Regional and Individual Local Health Department Emergency Preparedness Planning?
For many years, CADH provided technical support, training, and evaluation for numerous local and regional drills designed to test emergency response activities. CADH also developed exercise templates and provided them to local health directors to be used and modified to meet their needs. To ensure availability of information and best practice guidelines throughout the state, CADH identified and shared model emergency preparedness resources with local health directors.
Effective July 1, 2013, the state Department of Health (DPH) did not amend or renew contracts for Regional Public Health Preparedness Advisors to coordinate City Readiness Initiatives and Project Public Health Ready activities. Previously, four of the state's five regions subcontracted with CADH to conduct these activities. However, CADH entered into an agreement with DPH to conduct an assessment of state, regional, and local public health preparedness plans using information from the 2012-2013 Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) application process.
What was CADH’s Role in Project Public Health Ready?
CADH provided guidance on the Project Public Health Ready initiative for multiple regions in the state. Specifically, CADH prepared regional applications for PPHR recognition that detailed the regional collaboration between local municipal and district health departments in the event of a public health emergency.