What Recent Health Reform Activities Have Occurred?

Signed into law in March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (the “Acts”) together result in the most significant federal health care reform since the passage of Medicare in 1965.  At the state level, various health reform activities continue to occur.

What is the CADH Ad Hoc Workgroup on Health Reform?

Recognizing the potential opportunities and potential challenges for local public health in health care reform, CADH established an Ad Hoc Workgroup on Health Reform to:

  • To identify areas of particular interest and priority for public health and prevention, with respect to state and federal health care reform, and communicate those with the Board;

  • To track and monitor state and federal health care reform and develop, where appropriate, CADH positions on specific health care reform policy;

  • To inform members of relevant state and federal health care reform provisions; and

  • To prepare draft recommendations to the Board with respect to health care reform.

 More information about the justification for formation and charge of the CADH Ad Hoc Workgroup on Health Reform may be accessed here.

What Information Does CADH Have on Health Reform?

CADH periodically authors fact sheets on health reform, geared toward Connecticut local public health professionals.  These fact sheets may be accessed below.  For more on CADH's advocacy activities with respect to health reform, click here

A listing of areas of policy engagement can be accessed by clicking here.

February 2012

This fact sheet summarizes the major provisions of federal health reform, both in general and with respect to public health specifically; describes threats and opportunities for local public health with respect to health reform; and describes essential elements of the controversy pending before the Supreme Court.

February 2011

This fact sheet outlines potential opportunities for local public health with respect to SustiNet, Connecticut’s proposed statewide public health care plan, and outlines potential public health funding opportunities in the context of federal health reform.

November 2011

This fact sheet summarizes the major provisions of federal health reform, both in general and with respect to public health specifically, and briefly describes SustiNet.

Where Can I Learn More about Health Reform?

The links below provide additional information on state and federal health care reform.